Montag, 12. Dezember 2011

eSpire tours in New Zealand

Stephen and his brother David were so kind to send us hints for eSpire tours in New Zeland. - Pacific Cycle Tours are South Island specialists – they have some good options. - these guys are based out of Queenstown and do great rides in that area. - their rides include the Heaphy track which is a must do trail in the National Park – cannot be riden between Dec and Feb though (too many walkers). Also rides around Golden Bay, both at the top of the South Island.

If you choose the latter option, then you could also add in a self guided Queen Charlotte track ride in the Marlborough Sounds,  virtually all grade 3 single track –

-          start at Picton – take the ferry to Ships Cove.

-          Ride to Furneaux Lodge for lunch:

-       after lunch: more single track to Punga Cove.

-          Night 1 at Punga Cove Lodge

-          Day 2 Single track/road to Portage.

-          Night 2 at Portage Hotel

-          Day 3 – sweet single track to Anakiwa (pack your own lunch at Portage Hotel or Anakiwa Lodge

-          After lunch, nice road ride of about 25Km back to Picton (start point)

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